there are those of you out there who doubted the existence of the "devil chip." (reference jimmywrites post this past Sunday) Going so far as to taunt and jeer me, and while i admit a perverse, yet natural, pleasure in being jeered (easy with the spurs cowboy) - enough, was enough. Well, naysayer, you see it now in the un-doctored and un-photoshopped photo above. And, as you plan your debaucherous weekend, remember, beelzebub is everywhere. Today is Friday the 13th and the nacho chip from HELL has been revealed, the devil's double, as it has been prophesized - run, even though it will do you no good, you coward, you run from yourself. And, of course, if by some chance you do not have a debaucherous weekend planned, how about giving jimmy a call? i could use some jeering-up...get it. it is a real shame nobody reads this shit.
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