Thursday, February 5, 2009

fluffy pink dream

My life is a fluffy pink dream. I know a man with an old worn wallet that has been stuffed to now be very bulbously large. He keeps pictures and notes of things he wants in it. Shortly before he dies, he wants to go through his wallet and see how many of the items he had desired, he had acquired. When he explained the plan to me, I thought it was a pointless objective that would likely require some extreme luck in the timing of the review phase. Then I thought about it some more and understood that if I were honest- my own wallet would be as large, my own plan and objective, less so. So I went online and ordered some relatively expensive designer soaps, i think i feel better about myself now, at least for now, at least until it inevitably turns out that "meadow mist lavender" or "patchouli peace rain" do not fill my fluffy pink bottomless hole.

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