Thursday, February 26, 2015

yes, i did

I was thinking that now is the time for a career change.  But not just for the change, but to follow a new path that would be both fun and interesting.  Die-cast molding original art came to mind, or maybe museum curator, or fashion design, or perhaps optometry.
I made a pretty awesome snowman last year.  When I tackled the snowman project, I had very limited previous building-with-snow experience, and no professional apprenticeship, training, or college, in the snow arts.  So, you can see, I have good reason, by experience, to not be intimidated by my apparent limitations in areas such as fashion design, museum curating, die-cast molding, and optometry.  Once before, on a snowy winter's day, when the temperature ranged between 30 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit, I overcame limitations, and I built a snowman. 
Darn it, yes, I built a snowman.

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