Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the sun's vast potential

I had a vision that the sun was shooting out money toward Earth in all denominations and currencies; coins, greenbacks, pesos, pennies, euros, francs, pounds, etc. I took this vision to mean: buy protective gear, helmets and the like - immediately.
I told this, and explained my reasoning, to someone smarter than i, and she said, "no jimmy, this is not an apocalyptic vision of the destruction to be wrought by an angry god who has become irreversibly disgusted by our greed and corruption...no jimmy," she went on to explain, "this is a hopeful vision of the wealth and well-being potential of solar energy. Invest now, with your heart and your wallet."
"Cool, thanks." i said, desperately trying to not scratch my head until after she got up and walked away.
I guess we'll see, or not, but I'm keeping the helmet.

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