Monday, November 28, 2016

The Creation Story, as told to me - an allegory, probably not blasphemy

God pulled out a single piece of paper from the pack.  It turned out to be magic.  Everything God wrote on that paper was brilliant.  He filled it with two sides of magnificent prose.  He squeezed in all that would fit on that paper. He pulled out the next new blank sheet from the pack.  God wrote, and thought, and wrote, wrote, wrote, but on this new page, all expression was now without charm. God did not want to believe the one unique page of paper was the catalyst. He wanted to know the beauty of those words emanated from inside of him, but that proof did not come. He tried another sheet, and then another, but no words, no thoughts, no explorations, no characters, no thing was as delightful, nor as poetic, as it was on that original miracle page. Eventually he gave in.  God went back to the magic page and crammed in a little more glorious exposition, and forced in a few more grand words, and more, and still more, until the paper was so full, on both sides, that it could no longer be read.  The words were gone, blurred into one full continuous panel of ink filling two sides and all edges.  No longer literature;  now a painting.  And God leaned back to fully take-in what he had created, and said (because he had no appropriately sublime place to write it down), "this is good shit."

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