Thursday, December 15, 2016


It is one of God's gifts to humanity that the shape of physical laws, expressed in nature, often takes the form of beauty (i.e., crystals, snowflakes, dewdrops, etc.).  
Me, and my shape, are more of a hybrid God-made/human-made form, like a nuclear explosion; pretty, but best viewed from a considerable distance.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016


Through the drowsy-eyed blur that extends back into my brain, there are no answers.  There is only searching for answers, and not searching for answers.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Monday, December 12, 2016

Friday, December 9, 2016

jimmy trys to soften the blow, a little

legitographer - a descriptive word for a scientific instrument, and the operator of that instrument, neither of which yet exist.
tractolegitographer - legitographer for space use in the distant future.

I am aware that the descriptions of these devices may seem to deviate from their latin root(s).  There are a lot of things about the future that you are neither ready to understand, nor ready to accept - but one thing is a guarantee, it will hurt.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

one thought

Grabbing at myself with a knowing gentle firmness - a knowing familiarity which can only be applied by the owner - I got myself out of bed.  3:10 am. 
A dream had soothed me, but my thoughts woke me.
To the bathroom.  I pee.  I surprise myself by calming those troubling waking thoughts with the memory of a dream. It was the dream that had just comforted me before the invasion of thought after thought.  I was in a familiar place of my pleasant dreams.  A place, just a place. A friendly place. A beautiful, simple place.  As near to a single thought as I can feel. The noticeable lack of complexity allowed comfort. That is the purity of a dream, the singularity of emotion, the simplicity of timeless unfettered being.
Back to 3:10 am.  I look in the bathroom mirror.  Thoughts again interrupt the pleasant calm of dreamy memories.  More thoughts. 
Turn on the water, grab the soap, and I quietly wash my hands while noticing the laundry on the floor.  I wonder if I have anything decent to wear for tomorrow. My job. Doctor appointment. Republicans, Democrats. Those people. The recital, and the parade, and the caregiver and the realtor.  I dry my hands on a towel that should be in the laundry pile.
I remind myself of the place that exists in my dreams, still fresh, I know it, I was there, in my dream. One thought, just right, one feeling, just happy. Tranquil. Peace, and, in an unforgotten moment, of a single thought, return to sleep. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2016


Today I was so timelessly mediocre and boring that I achieved a unique and spiritual sense of the infinite and the eternal.  This is not really how I would have expected to come to an experience of enlightened bliss;  however, because of that accidental moment of awareness, and from that short-lived moment of over-achievement, I am now able to see and feel the true self-defeating nature of human effort, everyday.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016


Zipper.  I knew I was getting tired, and a bit lazy, when yesterday I wrote the word "zipper" and thought that single word was all that needed to be said. Ever. 
But, even today, with hindsight, I'm not sure I was entirely wrong.
Yes, it could have just described the device that joins two sides of fabric, capable of both containing and releasing our sexuality, and all-the-while keeping us warm, or cooling us off! But what of joining a society's fabric? What of the two sides of being, darkness and light?  And/Or, it could have meant the carnival ride of the same name. Does that ride, with unusually accurate allegoric precision, express our rapid, sometimes brutal, passage through this mortal existence?  Hmmmm.  
Or, it remains true that, still today, I am tired and a bit lazy.  
Even better.

Monday, December 5, 2016

in the wind

It has been said (and sung), that we have been, and will become, dust.  
Eventually. Inevitably. Dust.
I assume that will be my body turning to dust.  Not my soul, because my soul will surely turn to light. 
Eventually. Eternally. Light.
So, if they (my body and my soul) stay together, eventually, I assume I will be well-lit dust.

Friday, December 2, 2016

A good lie

With the clothes on my body, and a satchel of lies, I went to the big city.  I unpacked one of those lies: a beaut.  Laid her bare and bald-faced.  She sold like a champ.
I decided to take out another, then another, and another.  Successes followed successes.  Sure, there may have been a setback or two, but overall, in a word, glory.
When I first sensed the string of good fortune beginning to stale, I thought it might be time to move on.  I tried to put the lies away, re-pack the satchel.  But the lies had gotten a bit rambunctious. They were out, and they were not going back in.  And really there was no room in the satchel anyway.  The satchel had stayed full, like air fills a room.

So, here I sit, me and my satchel full of lies.

I think I'll be contrite, or maybe smug, possibly arrogant...certainly self-righteous.

I expected more out of the big city, and life.

Disappointed in you, really.

Thursday, December 1, 2016


I harbor a demon.
Satan demands a very high caloric intake.
Not me.
Actually, I am quite finicky.
And I am reasonably thin.
I have a crappy demon.
He's pretty much a pansy.
Kind of pathetic.
Ridiculous even.
I'm embarrassed for both of us.